Thursday, August 3, 2017

electrolysis of metal sulfate mixtures


I'm Josh and I've been working on a science project for school. I've been working with the electrolysis of different metal sulfates and when i was working with copper sulfate i got a different reaction then when i was working with nickel sulfate.

Do you know if it's me doing something wrong or if it's just a different reaction? With the copper sulfate only one electrode (Cathode) bubbled and i know it was oxygen, but with nickel sulfate both electrodes are bubbling and we don't know what's going on. The Cathode seems to be accumulating metal and bubbling Vin case that helps. So basically i need your help figuring out what is happening.

My answer:

Dear Mr. Josh.

When you working electroplating either with copperplate bath or by nickel sulfate all the electrode will bubble but may different in how much, the sum of bubbling also will different if you use different concentration, because the water content on the solution also different. I think there are no problem on your experiment, just to control your electric current.
